Medieval Love Poetry was greatly influenced by the Troubadours
Guiraut de Bornelh wrote medieval love poetry a la fin amor. He was a prominent troubadour, who wrote quite well known songs. One of them is Leu chansoneta.
Aital Chansoneta Plana (Such a Simple Little Song) another of his well known songs, is my offering to you, dear reader:
Aital Chansoneta Plana (Such a Simple Little Song)
trans.from Provençal by James H. Donalson
Now, how is it, and may God help,
that when I want to sing, I cry?
Must it not be because of Love
that I am vanquished, overcome?
Through Love that I cannot find joy?
That's it! So why then am I sad,
why should I languish so?
What then? Shall I not tell of it?
This is the way it has become:
I've lightly lost my stamina;
amusement now is flavorless:
has any lover had it worse?
Am I a lover? No? Then why,
on leaving, do I love her more;
desire, and wish for her?
Am I a lover? Suffer me!
Now, all I wanted her to do
was have me for her courtly love;
a lover, as I honor God,
and true, and I'll not take away
my heart, nor swerve in my intent
to love the one who makes me glad.
Of failure, I've small fear;
why then, should I complain and sigh.
For I have recognized, and well,
that Love won't serve me and won't help.
Won't serve? I love the fairest one
on earth! Was Love not useful then?
No, not at all, for he's betrayed
me, giving work and vexing me.
He leaves me longing for
such things as simply will not be.
And how? For have I not received
enough of good and honor too
all at the hands of Mo-Senhor?
I have! But more has been withheld!
And so? Arrangements promised me
by her who gives me grief,
and they will kill me off
if I don't give up following her.
Has she retracted all her likes?
I don't know, but I merit more;
I'm sorry one in greatest need
must wish for better health!
Sir Antic, isn't it a shame?
Say 'yes', for if she kissed me now
I can assure you that
she can destroy me or can heal.
I know complaints increased my pain,
complaints that rose up from among
Urgel's folk, by which most of them
will be confounded and killed off;
so that the countess who gives joy
and wisdom and true worth as well,
intended to leave home
had they permitted her to go.
I'd think they all were very bad
if they had let her go,
the king as well, if he consents.
There are other great examples of Medieval Love poetry by the troubadours below:
Examples 4
de Machaut 1
Dante 1
Petrarch 1
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